Junior Laemmle's Collegians Trophy

For now, this post will be short and sweet because I’m just trying to solve the mystery of The Collegians Trophy! I know The Collegians was a series made by my Uncle Junior Laemmle at Universal between 1926 and 1929. He himself never went to college, so a series about college was probably the closest he could get to the college experience!

My mom has this trophy that reads, “Carl Laemmle Jr’s COLLEGIANS trophy awarded by UNIVERSAL PICTURES to Joe Farley.”

I’ve searched IMDB, Wikipedia, and the depths of Google, and I’m coming up empty. Who was Joe Farley? Did he work on the Collegians? Did he work at Universal? Was he a Laemmle family friend?

Does anybody know WHO Joe Farley was and why he would have received this trophy?

Antonia CarlottaComment